बिहिबार, फाल्गुन २९, २०८१ | March 13, 2025

BY NAVEENSANCHAR ONLINE SOLUKHUMBHU: Nabil Bank, a leading banking institution, has inaugurated its 265th branch located at Namche, Solukhumbhu. Nabil has inaugurated the branch as its strategy to expand branches in remote areas to expand banking reach. Upendra Poudyal, Chairman of...

Nabil Bank inaugurates Namche Branch in Solukhumbhu

BY NAVEENSANCHAR ONLINE Kathmandu, 12 September Everest Bank Limited and Om Hospital & Research Center Pvt Ltd, Chabahil, has signed a MoU wherein the hospital will offer special discount up to 10% on IPD-Diagnostics, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy & 5% discount on...

Everest Bank signs MOU with Om Hospital & Research Center

Kathmandu, 8 September International Nepali Literature Society (INLS) has decided to confer nine women with Naba Ratna awards. The society decided to award them for their active involvement in the promotion of Nepali art, literature, culture and social work. The...

INLS Announces Naba Ratna Awards

BY NAVEENSANCHAR ONLINE Kathmandu, 3 Spetember NMB Bank has announced Debit Card Cashback Campaign, an exclusive offer for all new account holders as well as existing customers who have not yet used NMB Bank Debit Card. The customers will be rewarded with...

NMB Bank announces Rs. 100 cashback on Debit Card transactions

BY NAVEENSANCHAR ONLINE Kathmandu, 30 August The Chinese embassy in Nepal and Suzhou Chinese Orchestra in association with China Cultural Centre in Nepal, China Arts and Entertainment Group Ltd., World Cultural Net and Nepal China Cultural and Educational Council organized the...

‘Silk Road Chinese Music Concert Nepal’ held in Kathmandu

Kathmandu, 27 August Ko Ho Tyo Manchhe, a collection of poems by LB Chhetri was launched amid a programme held in Kathmandu on Saturday. Page Turner Chairperson Bhuvan Hari Sigdel, Chief Guest, Chancellor of Nepal Academy Bhupal Rai, social worker...

LB Chhetri’s ‘Ko Ho Tyo Manchhe’ Launched

 Pakistan – Nepal Friendship Festival was held from 23 – 26 Aug. It was organized by Centre for Asian Studies and Mahakali Dance Council in collaboration with Pakistan Embassy. The three day event involved more than 700 students of...

Pakistan Nepal Friendship Festival Held

BY NAVEENSANCHAR ONLINE Kathmandu, Nepal The U.S. Embassy partnered in partnership with Youth Innovation Lab organized Mis/disinformation workshops in all seven provinces.The workshops focused on training a diverse group, including people from marginalized communities, more than 140 journalists, content creators, activists,...

U.S. Embassy Nepal organized mis/disinformation workshops

BY NAVEENSANCHAR ONLINE Kathmandu, 26 August 2023 For the first time, an officer from the Nepal Police, Inspector Mr. Umesh Gurung, will be joining the France’s National Police College (École Nationale Supérieure de la Police or ENSP) located in Saint-Cyr-au-Montd’Or, near Lyon,...

Inspector of Nepal Police  Gurung selected for a one- year training in France’s National Police College

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